Hello friends!
There is so much clarity and informations I received during the last weeks -
so I want to share a little bit.
I'd like you to know that - through the constellation work I am doing on an individual basis - the soulstar seminars I do for groups - and the ceremonies -
I am into another kind of consciousness - another kind of experience.
I see things and people as a dynamic process - a moving energy that follows a certain path - a certain pattern - and thereby fullfilling a certain destiny.
This happens on an individual and a collective level.
I can feel that movement - I can feel the energies - being them fear or love -
or anykind of emotion - and I can also see them through clearvoyance
as a multidimensional multicolour moving structure - a matrix.
All this movement has a certain destiny - it ends -
depending on the information it carries - in a certain goal.
Like a train that says that is going to Rome - will go to Rome not to Paris.
You have to understand that everything is an information - it is like computer program - it is a multidimensional energetic structure.
Even our bodies are like that. We are just multidimensional energetic information structures - in movement.
If you are in Real Love - everything is just Light -
multicolourful dimensions of light.
If you are into judgements and Ego it is all just black and white - it's dead.
Through this, I literally see what is going on like on a three dimensional screen.
Love is the only thing that changes everything.
It changes the death into Life. It changes darkness into Light.
That is the secret of my work - just that - you meet darkness - within you - within others - you just put love into - embrace that darkness - then it changes into light.
Right now there is a lot of darkness that comes out that needs to be embraced -
that is what we do in Soulstar - in Constellations.
In Ceremonies it even comes out on a physical level.
That makes people afraid - but it is their own fear -
their own darkness that comes out to be accepted and to be embraced.
Real Love is much more than to hold a holy energy - to maintain your Aura clear -
or to become holy.
Love is there to embrace everything. It is a constant movement without judgement - constantly Changing - Serving - Embracing.
And now it is really needed.
There are some fundamental messages I want to share with You:
" You Need to understand the principle of Giving.
You can only Receive when you have a place inside of you to Receive.
That is why you have to Give - to become empty so you can Receive. "
If you just consume - you will be full at a certain point - and then nothing works for you - all the spiritual wisdom and knowledge you have is worthless - when you stop giving.
That is why you have so much experience when you go to India or to South America - because you make an effort - you give. You could also do this here.
That system - the world we live in is like a train - running on a dead end trail. It is coming to an end pretty soon - you can see all the warning signs - if you want to.
I received some intense visions about how this is going to come - which I don't share - it is easy to understand anyway - by just becoming aware of certain facts:
Everything is a movement - it is a pattern - a matrix. You see the patterns of our society - it is all based on death. It all has a death information.
The fuel we use comes from dead animals - the dinosaurous. It is deadly poison.
The electricity we use is deadly - the food we eat - is based on killing.. The science - the ideology we have - is dead. It is all conserved - refrigerated consciousness -
the judgemental Ego - it is all dead.
In my vision it is all a grey and black dead matrix - full with demonic figures.
It moves - it has a dynamic - and it has a goal.
What do you think the goal of such a matrix is ? Death of course ! And it is going to turn back on you - showing its true face ! This moment is going to come.
The Vulcanos, the storms, the financial crash - it is all warnings - the kids into alcohol and drugs - Wake up. It is not going to change by some miracle - by some new leader.
One fact I want to share - about money - see webside www.helmut-creutz.de:
From the money that is around in this world - one third is actually in the economic circle. Two thirds are stored. Ten percent of the people have this money - and this stored money multiplies itself without doing anything.
That creates this bubble - which recently exploded - and was taken care of by the governments - that is us - paying this gigantic cheat that is going on.
We all know that - but the cheat is so big - we do not want to know.
That also creates the intense need for economic growth - that creates so much working pressure and destruction of the planet. Wake up - it is going to crash - for sure. It might take two years. 2012 would be good date for several catastrophies to happen.
Since the seventies the actual income of people working gets less - the national product increases - the income through money explodes - that is a fact.
That is why most of us have less and less money.
The government will not be able to handle it when the next crash comes. Now we already are suffering the new gigantic depths from the last crash.
What can we expect from the leaders - they are exactly the ones that have the money - that are the ones from the ten.
And yet we all dream to be one of the ten. Wanting to win on the stock market - playing in the lottery - giving the money where we get the most for it.
Every money that does not serve the planet is lost money.
All the stored money is lost.
If you have stored money - do something meaningful with it.
Let it flow
Go for vacation - invest in your health - make therapies - learn to love - at least give it to people that need it to manifest dreams that serve the planet.
There are so many good dreams- that want to be manifested. If you still hate yourself - if you hate humans - give it to the animals - to save nature - so much money is needed to make a change.
There are even banks that support ecological projects.
I guarantee: All the money that is not serving life - is not serving the planet - is lost money.
Stored money is dead - it is going to disappear.
This can also happen to your houses - your jobs.
You are going to lose that anyway - when you die. What is going to happen when you have to leave your house - because of some catastrophy?
Do you know how you catch a monkey?
You take a wodden box. You cut a hole into it - just big enough so that the monkey can put his hand through. And then you place an apple into the box.
The monkey is going to get the apple.
So it reaches through the hole in the box, catches the apple.
But now his hand with the apple is to big now for the hole.
He is caught - because he does not let go of the apple.
If he would let go he would be free.
Do you understand that example?
It is time to let go of your apple- to be free - to be just You.
This world is a trap.
That has been said more often - but this time it is serious.
Realize what is going on. In a certain sense it - the catastrophy - has already happened.
"There is a Rescue mission going on Now.
It comes from the Future -
it comes from the other side - it comes from Oneness, Love and Light.
But you can only be rescued when you let go of the things that are dead - whatever they are - material, emotional or mental."
It is time to Change - it is time to Choose.
2012 is a moment in time were everything is aligned - it is a time for direct intervention from the Divine.
At that moment everything is going to be possible. At that moment the train can go on another trial and move into Heaven.
You can choose which train you take.
2012 has already started.
I experience it in the soulstar seminars - in the ceremonies.
It is a state were you meet and become the Real You - the Essence - the God, the Goddess you are - and you can see it in the others.
This moment is going to be more and more real - on all levels. It is going to become a physical reality.
If you want to be a part of - Choose and Join - Now.
Johannes, Barcelona May the second 2010
For Contact:
johannes.dh@gmx.at or kwanyin888@gmail.com
www.thesoulstar.net (still in process)