Dear Friends!
This painting is one of my latest paintings. It is called Abundance.
All my work is destined for that topic.
I had some extremely intense weeks:
If you allow the vibration of life just work through you - all the obstacles that block that vibration within you – on all levels – are coming up.
You get confronted with them -
By bad feelings that come up inside of you –
By people around you that reflect that topic.
That has been intense over the last weeks.
The wonderful thing about it is – that I have been happy all that time – even in the darkest moments – because I could feel that love working through me – and I was identifying with that love.
My main focus – my heart was with that vibration of life within – and at the same time – all kinds of feelings and thoughts appeared – within me – and within the people around me.
The magic for me now is – that some of this people around me – got into that same state of recognition:
And now we are more that are able to play that game of complete trust in love and life – and in each other. We together break that prison of illusion and practically live another reality.
That is the new thing – we are family of love – and we confront – ourselves and the ones around us – changing that real darkness within – called judgment.
The only real thing is just the rhythm of life – breath itself – the love that breathes through you and keeps you alive.
The rest is illusion – it comes and goes.
If you take a close look to those recognitions – those decisions you seem to make –you find out – that most of them are based on judgment. They create separation.
There is such a simple experience I am into:
If you put your attention just in the feeling heart – and explore that rhythm that is keeping you alive – and allow that rhythm to take you were it wants to -
If you allow that rhythm to touch your brain – then you automatically let go of thinking – let go of thoughts. And then you naturally are without judgments.
Friends it is so easy: There is no work needed. It is just about allowing that love to touch you everywhere:
When that breath touches the brain – the forehead – that inner eye opens inside of you – your thoughts disappear – your attention becomes one – you end up in oneness.
You are in the Now. You are awake. You are in the light.
That is it.
From all my experiences – being many hours in that state - this planet – this life on this planet called earth – is going to evolve into that state. A consciousness of separation is going to disappear because the vibration of this planet is to intense to allow an illusionary life – constantly thinking about past or future.
The work we offer is to train you to be in that new dimension.
Be aware of that rhythm inside and identify with it – because this is the only real thing.
Where will you go when all that illusion disappears – like a computer program – destroyed by a virus. That happens now – jus look around.
We learn to communicate out of that experience. It is totally simple – it is free from any kinds of tricks or secret knowledge. It is so simple.
To communicate through the heart is so simple.
The Soulstar is just the matrix – the magnetic field – the computer program of reality.
It is there – it is not created.
There is no manipulation in that - t so pure – so simple.
I just love it.
The ceremonies – the medicine is such a holy gift. It has helped me so much getting rid of all that blockages in my physical body. It has made me so much younger – so much more alive.
It is a gift from mother earth – kept as a secret by native Indians – since thousands of years.
Of course it has been – and is misused.
But again – if you let the heart go the way – there is no misuse.
Just be in the heart and feel that life within.
And have a wonderful time
- Even in the midst of the thunderstorm.
Be free – from everything –
And most of all from You-
The You of your thoughts and imaginations.
What I talk about is a practical experience.
Welcome to Seminars – Soulstar Evenings and Ceremonies!
Johannes 1st of August 2010
Johannes & Anna & Lydia