martes, 26 de julio de 2011
Declaración básica de nuestra asociación
Queridos amigos¡¡¡
We are happy to introduce you our newborn child – the association – of the Soulstar – movement of love.
Since quite some months we work with a new energy in the centre of the Soulstar - we call the essence. It is the third power within the masculine and the feminine aspect of the inner child. It is the divine chord connecting all the dimensions – representing the divine essence. Soulstar itselfrepresents divine order, manifesting the original divine plan on this planet now.
Another power we meet since quite a while in the individual constellations – and we see it very clearly in some visions – it’s what we call: “The Lords of Chaos”. It is the power that destroys everything that has no real life. This power is hardly working to destroy the system we live in. They make - piece by piece - the world we know disappear. So more and more all the nice illusionary surface of our system – the facade – disappears - and we see the face of darkness – the demons that control our world. Everything which is left – is destruction – and greed. And even that has to go – till just the truth remains – the love.
Talking to the Lords of Chaos - we also invite them now to take away difficult topics from us to be liberated from darkness faster – especially in the shamanic ceremonies we find these energies working on us – they explained us the following:
“Do not have fears. For everything which is taken away from you – there is something within you that wants to be born. Just allow the new life within – to come alive through you”.
In other words: Despite of all the crisis - the losing of jobs, dreams and ideas – all those changes and frightening losses we are going through – and even more will be coming in the future – there is something new inside of you that wants to be born. There is a chance for a change for something much better that needs the destruction of the old – the dead stuff – to see the light of the day. There is so much love, there is so much life – there is so much ecstasy - waiting for us to be discovered. Wake up my friends and celebrate – life again.
The party has started – join – your heart – and be alive.